Thursday, March 08, 2007

We're So Pretty

That was the theme at our ladies meeting tonight at church. The entertainment part of the evening consisted of Vicki, Andi and me singing, "We're So Pretty." The words were extremely modified -- talking about ingrown toenails, warts, skin tags, stretch marks, non existant waist lines, bladder control and lovely things such as those. The message of the evening centered on Psalms 139: 14.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

We are all wonderfully made - perfectly made by God. There were about 40 women at the meeting and by the end of the song, when they had to stand and sing the last verse with us, maybe they were a little bit closer to believing it as we all ended up with "jazz hands". I accidentally - (really, my picture program was messing up) deleted most of the pictures I had made with my camera tonight, so maybe someone that took some will email them to me and I'll post more later.

It's really too bad I don't have some better pictures. Vicki has sponge rollers in her hair and a 25 year old shirt. Andi is wearing a shirt that I wore when I was pregnant with her....24 years ago. This was not planned and they both wear these shirts to bed every night. How in the world does somebody keep a T shirt for 25 years?

Also, you can't see my mustache "bleach" in the picture. It started out as white icing, which as we waited to make our entry, kept melting and running down into my mouth. We decided that might look a bit strange for me to be licking the "bleach", so at the last minute I made a switch to Noxema. No chance of me licking least not more than once.

The dinner tonight was great, the speakers were awesome and we all had a wonderful time -- reflecting in our beauty.