Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Threaten people with a boiled raccon

and they will come through with some recipes. Ten days ago we had collected a little over 100 recipes. I mentioned that unless some recipes started coming in, then Vicki would be putting in main dish recipes of boiled raccoon. By the way, it's important to remove the scent gland located behind the back leg, according to the recipe she found.

A week later we had 567 recipes..... with no duplicates. The average church cookbook has about 300 recipes in it, so it's just as I always knew - our church is above average. I fully expect to have over 600 by the time I send it off next week.

Sophie tried out her new swing today. I hung it in the garage so that she could watch me work. It has to have some rope extenders added because right now she is swinging from the rafters and is about at my eye level. She enjoyed swinging though and that's a good thing since she might be hanging out there a bit this spring.