Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Pinewood Derby - You win some, you lose some

but even when you lose, you sometimes win the best looking car. Such is the case for Jacob tonight.

In a strange twist of events, Jacob raced 2 of his 3 races against his new friend, Kubrick, whose mom we met last week. Kubrick put Jacob out of the competition in the third round. Jacob's one win is pictured above.

Bill was very much against Jacob's car design because it wasn't aerodynamic. You could say that again. Aerodynamic planning played no part in Jacob's car design. More than once I had to point out to Bill that he was not the Scout here - so he had to just let it go. His race days were over. OK, so he never got to be a Scout, but he's not the Scout now either, so it's not his design.

Jacob wanted a castle car, quite possibly a first in pinewood derby. We cut turrets - (the jagged up and down areas around the top of the castle) down the entire length of the car. He knew going into the race that there was not much of a chance he was going to win any races, but he was thrilled with how cool his car looked. He has even already made a shelf for it to sit on in his room. I guess the judges were thought the car looked cool too because we now have a Derby Award to frame and hang.
Jacob also took his flag
stand to the pack meeting tonight and the red paint looked great with the flag.

I'm very proud of my wee Weebelo.