A handy guy to have around
Jacob is my helper. I could not get done with "Project Lottafurniture" or any other thing I build nearly as quickly without him. I will either drill and he puts in the screws or vice versa. Sometimes, I will mark the wood and he will go make the cuts. I hold the board and he puts in nails with a nail gun. I hold wood while he holds the level so that I can attach things. I'll fill in holes, he sands. This week he has even started routing the edges of the wood. You get the idea. I have no doubt that if he were physically able to wrestle around large pieces, he could basically make these cabinets himself. He's that smart - and good already.
Today he made a flag stand for his Boy Scout troupe. He figured the measurements, did the division to make it all come out equal, routed the wood edges, glued and clamped it all together. When it's dry, he will, spackle in the edges, sand it, drill the hole for the pole, paint it and and turn it in for his Wood Craft badge. I'll show you a picture of it later. Today, however, Jacob was attaching the wheels to the bottom of the cabinet we made this morning. I will show you a picture of what happens when you use a drill with gloves on and get the tip caught. Not only is the wheel attached to the wood, but Jacob is, too. Even though his fingertip was twisted, he kindly allowed me to run into the house, get my camera and make his picture. What a guy.