Thursday, March 29, 2007

My first list - kinda, sorta

I never make lists like Patricia and Andi do - but they are always very revealing things - I learn so much about people in this list fashion. One of the main things I learn is that I think Patricia and I were separated at birth, which would certainly validate my belief that I must have been adopted.

Here's Patricia's list from today. And my thoughts following it.

i used to love avon perfume in high school: sweet honesty, pearls & lace, candid. and i just had to have the full line… spray, powder, body wash. now i have to dust off one of my two perfume bottles to use it. Me - I had the sweet honesty and candid, along with Love's Baby Soft.

i sometimes aimlessly drum my fingers on something and don’t even realize i’m doing it. Not only do I do this on tables, but I also do it on my headboard - not out of boredom because I am seldom alone in my bed. I always have a long line of kids wanting to sleep there with me.

in high school, it used to be embarrassing to wear brand new super white tennis shoes. i would make my mother crazy by taking new shoes right out of the box and dragging them in the dirt before wearing them to school. I still do this. I rub the bottom of one shoe over the top of the other one and then down the sides to make them dirty a bit before wearing them out.

sometimes i like to break into an english accent for no apparent reason. Not only is this fun, but I used to like to pretend to speak an entirely different language when I was a kid. I probably wasn't very good at it, but we would sure do it.

my kitchen gadget drawers are overflowing. i really do love me some gadgets. Amen. My gadget drawer is the biggest drawer in my kitchen - literally. This picture does not take into account the 6 spatulas that are currently in the dishwasher. We do not call it the gadget drawer, however. With 3 little boys, it is called "the Weapons Drawer." Now, many of my friends also have weapons drawers.

after salt, pepper and garlic, the seasoning (herb) i use the most is thyme. Yep, thyme is a good multi-purpose seasoning to have to throw around.

i am newly addicted to almond roca. I tried this for the first time at Christmas and am now sorry when I see it because it is always outrageously expensive - but oh, so good.

i’ve only ever walked out of one movie, because it was scaring the crap out of me. Me too - the Exorcist. YIKES!

these lists are getting harder and harder to come up with - I don't know - this one was fairly easy for me. I might be inspired to do my own sometime.