Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A first for this mamaw

Tonight I walked by Sophie and said "Hi Sosie" - which is what her name has evolved into but that's another story. Several little kids who see Sophie on a regular basis can't say Sophie and they all call her Sosie -- and I do too about half the time.

Anyway, I don't hold her too much at church, giving other people a chance to get spit up on and such. I'm an equal opportunity Mamaw in that respect. But tonight, after I greeted her and walked away, she immediately started crying - loudly.

I turned around and she is sort of jumping up and down and crying and reaching for me. I go back and reach out to take her and as she is handed down from the sound booth into my arms she instantly stops crying.

Both of us giggled with delight that we had each other - it was a sweet moment - not that I think I will ever forget it, but I'm writing it down just to be sure!