Friday, March 30, 2007

My Own for Real First List

I am trying to curb my sarcasm, but what do you say when are heading out the door to get a haircut and your husband asks, "Are you going to get your hair cut shorter?" My immediate reply was, "No, I was thinking I would get it cut twice as long as it is now" and in my mind....."Here's your sign."But I resisted saying that - so that should count for something.

I love the smell of fabric softener in my clean laundry but I never very seldom time it so that I get it in there. I tried the fabric softener dispenser balls and was sadly disappointed in them.

If I had my choice of stores to spend a day in, it would be a kitchen gadget store -- or a hardware store. I can dream the hours away in either of long as I don't have a bunch of kids interrupting my dreams.

I used to think that those license plates that said, "If I knew grandkids were so much fun, I would have had them first" were stupid. Now - the jury's out.

While my friends were slaving away working at ice cream joints during high school, I made as much money in 2 hours of giving baton lessons as they did in working 20 hours. Made all that practice seem worthwhile.

My parents got a letter after my sophomore year in high school from the superintendent stating that he hoped it would be more "feasible" for me to attend school more often the next year. Seems I missed about 2 days a week - but still made the honor roll. It was the first time I ever heard the word feasible.

I once got in trouble for calling my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Moss, Mrs. Moose. I had to write a five page report and in the middle of it I happened to write how I thought moose should be extinct. Now days, I'm sure I would be expelled for some sort of implied threat. Mrs. Moose Moss was not amused - to say the least and my five page report turned into 10. Seems there was a spanking involved too, but my memory is fuzzy.......

I think the perfect late night Sunday snack is brown sugar cinnamon toast. After buttering the bread to the edges, spread finely crumbled brown sugar over it and sprinkle with cinnamon. Broil till bubbly and brown - then enjoy it with a tall glass of ice cold milk. I use the promise of this snack to get Andi to spend Sunday nights here quite often.

My dad showed up at my high school when I was 16 and told me we were going to Evansville. Since I had a inclination to miss school anyway, I was OK with this idea. He drove me to a motorcycle store, where he bought me a brand new motorcycle to drive back and forth to school. I had never asked for a motorcycle and had no idea how to drive a motorcycle - but I took it anyway.

I would show up at Andi's school to try and take her out of school for a day of shopping and she would go, but not always willingly. She's so dang responsible.

You have to add oil to motorcycles and if you don't, the engines burn up...."said the voice of experience."

Well, that's enough for List One.