Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Wes-Man

August 4, 1999, I am standing at the island in my kitchen fixing dinner when the doorbell rings. I look down the hall, because I can see the front door from the kitchen. There stands a case worker -- holding a tiny baby wearing a diaper and a T shirt. I go to the door and she asks me if I will take him into my home to live. Wesley was 4 months old and I was instantly in love with him as soon as he was placed in my arms.

We watched some home movies Saturday afternoon and watching him grow up on film seemed liked it passed in a matter of minutes - just like it has been in real life.

Wes is a quirky little kid, but he's my quirky little kid and for that, I am forever grateful. Happy birthday Wes-man. I love you with all my heart.