Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Scout Banquet

Remember our local Christmas parade with the red and white painted horse at the end and Jacob on the Boy Scout float? Turns out you earn a patch for suffering through hours of frigid weather.

Last night we all attended Jacob's Scout banquet.
After a fine dinner of chicken strips and potato wedges, he received his patches, belt loops and pins he had earned this year. He's only been in Scouts for a few months, and he earned 2 patches, 2 belt loops and 2 pins. Now he's looking forward to the Pinewood Derby next week, a field day and going to camp this summer.

I'm glad that everything isn't a patch. We all know sewing is not on my list of God given ability and I had to take his shirt to the cleaners to get the patches put on last week. "Cleaner" is the operative word here as they charged an arm and a leg to sew a few dinky patches on. Makes it even harder to sew - using just the one arm they left me.

Wesley and Ryan will be both be joining Scouts this fall. Big Guy has offered to take them to all of their meetings if they are on the same night as Jacob's. Yet ANOTHER advantage to having kids in such varied ages

Right before we left, I was introduced to another homeschooling mom, Megan, who has two children about the ages of Jacob and Ryan. She was extremely nice and I can tell she would be fun to hang out around. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better. In the small group of about 20 parents who were there, I found out there were 4 homeschooling families. More and more, I'm running into families who have made this choice. We no longer seem to be so extreme in our decision to keep our kids at home.