Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Pink eye Plague

I would show you what the inside of my eye looks like except this picture was made with my eyeS open. That's as good as it gets. Thanks to Barbie for letting me in on the Pink Eye Relief Drops available over the counter. They did take away some of the sting. Handy thing to have around. I started the RX drops yesterday morning, so "supposedly" I'm not contagious. That's all well and good except for the information sheet in the medicine which states "Both Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis spread easily to others, and it can often spread from person to person before symptoms begin." So my apologies if I have infected -- or reinfected your family. It certainly wasn't my intention.

Besides for the eye drops making me feel better, it's things like this that work almost as well. Have I mentioned how much I love my kids? They are the best.