Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Last Thing I Said to Andi

as she was leaving to go play in the snow last night was "Be careful and don't get hurt." Moms say things like that routinely. The first thing she said to me when she called an hour later was "Remember the last thing you said to me as I was leaving?"

In this case - not a good start to a conversation. As she and Big Guy fought over who got to be the first to make a footprint in the unstomped, pristine, snow, Andi did a running dive tackle into Jacob. All well and good, however, as they were twisting in the air, she landed first and he landed next....with his knee...banging into her leg right under her knee cap.

She wants me to make sure and point out that technically, she touched the snow first so she won. The fact that she was the one who had to be carried into the ER and is now on crutches, eludes her. The taste of victory makes the mind go weird like that. Of course, in her case, it could be the pain pills that did it.

Andi suffered a deep bone bruise. This injury appears to happen most frequently in football games or in pro baseball games if a player is hit be a line drive ball. It's enough to put a professional athlete on the sidelines.

Now I have a house guest for awhile, until Andi is off crutches and able to carry Sophie. We are all very grateful that it wasn't broken or she didn't suffer an ACL tear. She is camped out in the recliner, leg elevated and bandaged, heating pad on and many little helpers willing to do whatever she asks. Makes me wonder if she will "milk" this injury. I think I would be tempted to, but hey - that's just me.