Friday, February 16, 2007

Question: What's more fun than

going to bed at midnight only to be woken up at 1 by your child screaming, "I can't breathe" and then spending 3 hours doing breathing treatments and hoping for the best before finally giving up and getting 3 kids out of their warm beds, taking them out in 9 degree weather to their sister's house and taking the sick one to the ER, where you help 3 other adults hold your child down for an IV insertion, then spend 2 hours getting blood tests, medicines, x-rays, oxygen, steroid shots and steroid breathing treatments and THEN going back to said sister's house to drag 3 sleeping children out AGAIN in the 9 degree weather to come home?

Answer: The after affect of all the steroids. A child with no sleep who is bouncing off the walls while the mom, who has NOT had steroids or sleep needs some and as an added bonus to her bleary eyes, she knows down deep in her soul that part of this bleariness is not from lack of sleep, but the beginning of pink eye.

All is not lost, however, because Wesley now has another super cool nebulizer mask to add to his collection. Isn't that really what it's all about, anyway? The cool mask?