Friday, February 23, 2007

"Maybe we can stay up late.......

like till 9 o'clock." I can't tell you how many times I have heard that in the last few days as Carly, Wesley and Ryan looked forward to going to a "lock-in" at church tonight. It was for 2nd and 3rd graders, but they could bring a guest, so Wes invited Ryan. I talked to the party planners and the kids will be staying up later than their dreamed of bedtime, so I made sure they took naps today.

Jacob is having a couple of his friends over to spend the night so all the kids in our house tonight are having a great time with their friends.

We spent a few hours at Lowe's this morning buying supplies for the preschool project and I was able to have a very peaceful shopping expedition because they knew that their plans tonight hinged on their behavior this morning.

Vicki and I spent a few hours working on the cookbook this afternoon. There is one advantage to organizing this cookbook. I have found some awesome recipes. We will be trying Kelly's Rolled Lasagna sometime this weekend and having a dessert of Pecan Tassies. Looks like yummy stuff. I'll let you know.