Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Not a Comparsion - Just an observation

Well, actually, I suppose it is a comparison, but not in a "Why can't you be like your brother?" sort of way. Just in a "I think there is definitely something to be said for genetics" sort of way. I don't know very much about Ryan's biological parents as far as if they have any artistic ability or not. Nothing I ever read or saw indicated anything toward that direction.

However, I do know that Wesley's biological mother, Maggie, is a very gifted artist. I have seen some of her drawings and they are really good. I think that this artistic ability has been passed down to him and I think Ryan has gotten my artistic ability by osmosis.

Both boys are seven years old, born five months apart. The other day we made things with the perler beads that Angie sent them for Christmas.
These are some that Wesley made -

The cat face on the star shape was designed totally by Wesley. It was not the back of the package as a suggestion - he did it all himself.

Wes was content to sit there for however long it took - I'm talking hours - to get his design exactly how he wanted. If you've never worked with these little beads they can frustrate you to no end. If you so much as touch the one next to it, it comes off on your skin. If you bump the board, fifty will fall off. They are not any bigger than these letters, so it takes some careful work to get it right. Wes has that tenacity. Ryan - -not so much. This is his design.

Another example that has happened this week is working with the pattern blocks. Both boys wanted to make a design and have me make a picture of it. Ryan's is on the left - just in case you can't figure that one out for yourself.

Wes-Man....the little artist is our family.