Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Woe is Carly

Carly is recuperating from her imaginary "tragical" bike wreck. She had a headache, which needed the ice bag, along with a broken arm in a sling, another broken arm in a wrist brace and a busted knee, so she could just drag her leg everywhere. Doctor Jacob was on hand to bandage her and to give her shot after shot. They wanted to get the crutches out of the garage, but common sense told me that wouldn't be a good idea. You can't break your arm from wearing a sling, but give an acitve kid some crutches and watch out!

The doctor also provided Carly paper and pen where she could practice writing left handed. He also put the Nerf basketball goal on the back of the kitchen chair so Carly could entertain herself during her recuperation period. I think this doctor went above the call of duty when I saw him later drag his patient through the house by her one good limb because she just couldn't find the energy to walk.