Monday, January 01, 2007

Update from Linda this morning

Hosannah is home. She tires easy, but her breath sounds are fine. She is on antibiotics and is RX for O2 at night to keep heart rate up over 50- and pulse ox.

Ben came home last night- had trouble getting his med before pharmacy closed- of course it's one that insurance didn't cover and dh had to come home and get check book and get back before they closed...Ben is going to have a long road of recovery. he has suffered some visible losses. we are not going to dwell on them, just push forward and give him time to regain and believe that he will come back even stronger and still have the ability to learn more skills. He is so weak he cannot hold his head up; he has lost muscle tone and mass, but his saturations are good on the monitor. He is alert, he recognizes our voices and turns to sound, I got him to smile when I tickled under his chin. He looks like a pin cushion, with bruises all over his extremities where they did sticks. But I never felt so good as cuddling him in my arms for hours, just watching him sleep. He has totally forgotten how to eat and will not even try to suck the bottle and lost a considerable amount of weight. But is temp. is normal, and he has a g-tube, so he is getting fed. We will do rest, recuperation and THEN worry about rehab. We moved his crib into the "special" girls room- Hossie and Faith have the room- with door into our room, because Faith needs turning at night and Hosannah has a history of seizures. Jim had taken Katie's bed down last week for me. It felt good to have Ben's crib moved there.

Please pray hard for my husband who is having an extremely hard time with Katie's death. Not that I'm not!!! but he does not have the friend support, and he always did morning feeds, when he does not have to get Katie's feed and meds ready - every morning it's a fresh wound.
