Friday, December 08, 2006

Please pray for the Bolline Family

I just recieved this email from Lindsey Bolline. Lindsey gave birth on December 1st to very small twin boys - Adam and Andrew. These boys are much in my prayers because of their many similarites to Zac when he was born. Andrew is in need of your prayers NOW. Please take a moment and pray for these precious babies and their family. Here's the email:

Please feel free to forward this along. (this goes for you too if you are reading my blog - the more people praying for this precious baby, the better.)

If you had a chance to look at our blog today you saw that Andrew's spinal tap fluid was bloody and not clear. They told us this morning that both blood cell counts were high and this could indicate infection (meningitis) and further bleeding. They will repeat the spinal tap and then do his brain scan today rather than Monday.

We are desperately praying that the blood was from the prick and not in the spinal fluid. We pray that there is no bleeding on the brain and that any found will be minimal. We pray that there would be so infection and that both the new spinal tap and brain scan with hold good news for little Andrew.

High grades of hemorrhage have the worst prognosis with higher rates of infant mortality, neurological damage, decreased mental capacity, hearing/sight loss, loss of ability to walk, and so many more. Our God is so big and can heal Andrew, no matter what the prognosis but we pray for good news today. It goes without saying that an infection of the spinal fluid would be devastating for a baby of his size and health.

"You will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say : Here I am." Isaiah 58:9

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." Psalm 23:4

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Always,

Lindsey & Kenny