Thursday, October 05, 2006

Busy - Secret - Ouch, that hurts!

Lots going on so this is just a quick post to let you know we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I'm building a surprise for somebody. This alone is taking about 10 hours a day - or until 2 a.m. last night, so I guess that should be about 10 hours a day or night. The first day of this project I managed to cut myself and bleed profusely scrape myself about 10 places and hit the very teeny tip of my pinky with a hammer creating a HUGE small but extremely painful blood blister that throbs with each strike of the keypad. I know that the surprise will be worth it and I will post a picture of it next week.

The hardest part about this building project is seeing Sophie sitting there looking at me with those big beautiful eyes and not being able to scoop her up because I've been covered in sawdust. I'm sure the neighbors appreciated the table saw running at 10 last night, but maybe they will forgive me since it's the exception and not the rule - thank goodness.

The kids have done schoolwork just about everywhere imaginable this week - one of the joys of homeschooling. They have learned to not ask if they have to "do" school just because we aren't on our comfy couches. They just pack up their books and we head out.

Additionally our church picnic and softball game is Saturday, so I've been finalizing stuff for that, buying food for 200 people, stuff for the concession stand, etc. Lots to do there. Pastor appreciation Sunday is this week too, so I have been getting some stuff together for that. I don't see how people who are employed full time have time to do much else. My new camera is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, so if I have time to figure out how to use it, I should get some good pictures.

Andi, Sophie, Vicki, the kids and I went to lunch yesterday with my cousin, Judie, and her daughter, Laura. Laura just got her braces off yesterday and is now prettier than ever. The first thing I asked her was if she had been running her tongue over her teeth over and over. She admitted she had. I told her I did too when I got my braces off. When Andi arrived that was the first thing she asked too - we just cracked up and agreed it must be a universal thing to do when you get your braces off.

The kids started their Christmas musical play practice last night so now I get to listen to the new play music every day. It will be a nice change from Mayhem in Bethlehem, which has been playing almost daily since last October.

So with all this going on and of course the cooking, cleaning, laundry and daily stuff doesn't quit, I've been too busy to blog.

Next week I hope to return to my normal regular life.