Sunday, August 20, 2006

What is it about guys with gloves

in the hospital? Last year when my dad was in the hospital, Jacob entertained us by making a rooster hat with the glove. He was kind enough to recreate this masterpiece for me at home later that day.

But frankly, I thought this was just because he is weird. Apparently not. Monday night while Andi was in the hospital I turned around to see Ed, donning his "rooster hat." Vicki was quite happy to give me permission to blog this picture. She assured me she didn't need to get his approval to do this. I guess we'll see if this post is still here tomorrow.

But then - just as an added bonus, she also sent me this picture. This family keepsake was taken at Joanne's Fabric Store. Gotta love a guy that would do this for you so that you could add to your scrapbook pages of him. Vicki is a scrapbook fanatic and she has a collection of pictures of Ed which are scrapbooked together under the title of "The Village Idiot."

When Sam heard I was blogging these photos, she contributed a couple of her own with the note, "Enjoy and use them well! :)

As I was getting this post ready today Andi called me - laughing so hard I could barely understand her. Seems that Jacob had done something that caused him to utter, "oh no, your mom is going to blog this." Well duh - yeah. Anytime you do something bonehead you can expect it to be recorded for future use.

So what did the new dad do? Well, you know those mirrors that suction cup to your windshield so you can see the baby in the back seat? Seems he was wandering around with his stuck to his forehead talking about how he was going to use this as part of his Halloween costume. Then he removed it ~~ and was left with a big circle hickey right in the middle of his forehead. This picture was made hours later ~~ but I have a feeling come October if a goblin trick or treats at their house, they will be greeted by a guy with a mirror stuck to his forehead anyway. He's just that way.