Sunday, August 20, 2006

Moms know the voice I'm talking about -

the one that you hear calling your name in the middle of the night and even as you hurry to the room you know what you will find on the other side of the door.........a child covered in puke. I hate that voice. Last night it was coming from Ryan - as was everything he had eaten. I've never seen a child more thoroughly covered in homemade chicken and noodles than he was. Or any other food for that matter. He wins - no others need apply to the contest.

I used the 7 inch area I found of the double sheet that was still clean to wipe him down a bit, stripped Wesley's beloved Jeff Gordon shirt off of him and got him to the shower. While he decontaminated, I rolled up the sheets, along with the shirt, bagged them and tossed them out the back door. After checking on Ryan to make sure he was indeed scrubbing, I did some scrubbing of my own - carpet, bed and mattress cover.

On my way to the laundry room to drop off my scrubbing rags I modified my Wal Mart list to add a new sheet and a new Jeff Gordon shirt. It would not do for me to try to clean that stuff. I would only add to the problem with my own supper....which was Milk Duds.

I got Ryan dried and dressed and back to bed where I waited for round 2. The wait was not long. Thankfully the rest of the night he managed to hit the trash can by the bed and it was a simple clean up. Ryan is a very stoic little boy and after round 2 he was curled up on his bed looking so pitiful and he asked, "isn't anybody going to pray for me?"

I told him that I had been praying for him, but I prayed for him out loud with him and his lip started quivering and he looked even more pitiful. It about broke my heart while at the same time it made my heart so happy to see that he KNEW he would get better if I prayed for him.

He was fine within a few hours and I was getting settled into the twin bed across the room from him where I could see him -- and he could see me when the next adventure of the night began. The first clap of thunder about made me come unglued and I've never seen a child come up and out of a bunk bed faster than Wes did. Of all the things Wesley is afraid of - and there are many - storms top the list.

Good night sweet dreams. Good night any hope of comfort. Hello Wesley. Welcome to my very small twin bed. I have never heard a storm more severe than last night. You could feel the thunder in the floor - and our house is brick. It was horrific. I thought it was awesome and kept wanting to look out the window. Wes does not share my thoughts.

Sophie came for her first visit to Mamaw's yesterday. I didn't get to hold her much - seems there is quite a line and I wasn't first. I did get to snap this picture of her as she arrived though. She did have socks on, but no luck in keeping them on.

Time to get ready for church and hope for a better night tonight.