Monday, August 21, 2006

Super Glue(r)

As of this day forward, I solemnly swear that I will never attempt to Super Glue anything ever again. It is obviously beyond my skill level to work with this mighty adhesive.

I think that every time I have ever tried to use this glue, I have ended up with my fingers tips covered. Last night I was trying to glue my calendar holder back together when I noticed my feet were sticking to the floor. Now my kitchen floor might be sticky at times, but not THAT sticky. So I looked down and sure enough, there are drops of glue on my Pergo floor.

I leave the task at hand and start working on the floor with the bottle of acetone that I always keep handy when I'm working with Super Glue. I got it fairly cleaned up and went off to bed.

As I walked into the kitchen this morning I am greeted by Bill and his "hey, who used the Super Glue last night?"

Well - that would be me. I would show you the brand of this glue, but I can't because ...... well........ you see..... hmmmm - it's glued to the counter.