The Shopping Spree
The kids waited patiently all week for their trip to Toys R Us. I finally got brave enough to go yesterday and after spending quite some time there a final selection was made. Carly went straight to the Polly Pocket section after playing with Beth's all last week in Virginia. First I had to assure her that a new bike would be forthcoming on her birthday - but frankly, it's too hot to be outside riding bikes right now anyway.
Wesley has been a Power Ranger fan for years and there is no end in sight. He bought a few Power Ranger items earlier this week at Wal-Mart and finished off his money with the official training set.
Ryan currently loves all things related to sharks and bought a battery operated shark for the pool, a big rubber shark and a shark book. He has about half of his money left - just waiting for the next time he sees a shark toy.
Jacob is the one who surprised me the most. He is generally a miser with his money but he quickly shelled out 35 bucks for the opportunity to make his own light sabers - over 1000 combinations - with sounds, lights and a multitude of interchangeable parts.
Everybody was happy with their purchases and I was still just happy for the peaceful vacation.