Thursday, August 03, 2006

Why I should be good in church

As I was going through an old notebook the other day looking for a clean sheet of paper, I found this little bit of history.

Jacob had to write this a few years ago after a particularly fidgety day in church. It was a report on why he should be good, sit still and sing -- or something along those lines. I remember the little kids and I baked cookies in the afternoon, while Jacob was writing the following paper.
I have corrected the spelling for this post. The paper says:
I should act good in church. I should sing because the words are up on the wall. If I do not be good and sing I will get a spanking. Mom and dad want me to be good. Mom wants me to sit and sing. Dad wants me to to not talk in church. God wants me to read the Bible. God also wants me to not talk and he wants me to sing. God wants me to pay attention to pastor Aaron. I should not talk to kids in church and not to mom or dad in church unless church has not started. I will not act bad so I do not have to write a new report. I do not like reports. I will be good next time so next time I can play and help mom. I will act good now.

And just for the record -- he has.