Thursday, August 31, 2006

Just goes to show you ~~

I know practically nothing. The two kids that I thought for certain would be the least interested in sitting around and holding Sophie are the two most interested in doing just that. Jacob loves to hold Sophie, but I think Ryan would be content to sit and hold her for hours on end. If anyone else is holding her, then he is willing to just lean over and stroke her head. Ryan is becoming quite the affectionate little boy. He likes to sit on my lap now for an hour at a time and just talk or watch a movie. Quite a difference from the two minutes I used to have to practically hog tie him to sit with me daily.

I took him to the eye doctor Wednesday to get new glasses and it was hilarious to just sit and listen while the poor optometrist tried to get a word in edgewise. I think he got to ask Ryan once if this was "better or worse" and from there Ryan took over the entire exam, giving a play by play of everything. He told the doctor all that he was seeing and everything he was not. As he told the doctor "If you would just bring those letters closer to my eyes maybe I can see them." He is turning into such a fun little's neat to watch him come to life.