Saturday, August 13, 2005

It's been a long time coming but today is the day

and I'm not talking about Bill's 46th birthday which is also today. I'm talking about something much more special. Heck, he's had 46 of those, this was a first.

I can remember exactly where I was walking in the Children's Museum parking lot at Indianapolis in May, 2004 the first time Ryan reached up and took my hand without being told to or more accurately - made to.
Just slipped his tiny hand in mine because he wanted to. Because he was anxious and he wanted to be sure I was there with him.

I don't really have any idea what kind of neglect that Ryan suffered before he came to live with us that would make him so opposed to love. I just knew from the start it was not going to be easy for him to love us. He didn't talk when he came but once he learned his most frequently uttered sentence was "DON'T look at me." Said to anyone and everyone who dared cast a glance his way. And not in a nice tone of voice either.

Ryan will be 6 years old in just three weeks. Monday marks 3 years that Ryan and Carly have lived with us. 3 years and this morning as I sat on the edge of my bed waking up, he came in to my room and just walked up and gave me a kiss. I thought I was dreaming but as I still sat there stunned, he peeked back around the corner as he was leaving the room to say "good morning mom." And he grinned. 3 years of waiting for this day.

The first year basically consisted of me making him let me hold him each day for 2 minutes - the whole time him squirming and wanting away and asking constantly if it was 2 minutes yet. We had progressed to a point where he would give me a kiss if he thought I would give him something or if I acted like I didn't want one. I had to be saying "no kisses" and trying to get away from him while he laughed and kissed me. Or if all the kids were giving me a kiss he would always be last but he would "stick to my face" as he called it.

But today - well, today was just what it was. A good morning kiss from a son to his momma. 2 days short of 3 years I've waited for this moment in time.

It was worth it.