Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Don't EVER try to tell me that God is not a God of miracles!

Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
Phil 4:6

Friday - August 4th we were told that by many measurements Sophie would be born weighing 5 pounds at the most. Andi had not grown for several weeks and we went about the business of buying preemie clothes. Trusting in God to take care of her because He loves her more than we could ever imagine.

During 3 prayer times at church since August 4th, there have been very specific prayers for Sophie to grow. Additionally, there were many Christian friends praying for Sophie every day.

Andi has had testing done 5 times since that day and yesterday's test indicated that Andi's placenta was basically pooping out. As her doctor put it, "one of the most common questions I am asked is....what would I do if I were in a swamp and there were 4 crocodiles biting at my butt, a snake wrapped around my neck and I was in quicksand -- and I always say, nothing, because I don't let myself get into a swamp. Right now Sophie is getting herself into a swamp, her heartbeat is dropping considerably, her fluid level has dropped significantly and we are going to get her out of there before she ends up in the swamp."

OK, maybe not the most elegant analogy, but we understood it and agreed we did not want a swamp baby. Not to mention - who asks this question?

Jacob works nights, so I called to wake him and he was so excited - it was so sweet. He gathered the stuff together and arrived at the hospital shortly after Andi was admitted yesterday afternoon for an induction this morning. We spent a peaceful evening last night with friends visiting and I spent the night with Andi and Jacob at the hospital. Her OB doctor delivered her 23 years ago. She is his 4th patient to be a second generation delivery.

Jacob and I had an interesting night with Andi. She had quite a vivid reaction to the sleeping pill they gave her, so if anyone is missing pixies, Roman soldiers, a gorilla, or a purple man with 6 eyes, they are in her hospital room. Please come get them. Also, if you too think that a rubber glove taped over your IV site is a lion, be assured it is not.

The doctor came in last night and inserted the cream to get things moving along and during the night she dilated to 3. Andi, Jacob and I started our day with prayer this morning at about 5:30. It was a special beginning to a wonderful day. Everything we prayed for and hoped for this day to be was granted. Andi's day in "labor", if that is the correct term here was like none other I've ever seen.

The list of people hanging out in the room and in the halls all day was quite extensive. I'm going to list them here - not so much for you to read, since you might not even know most of them, but for Sophie to have as a reminder when she is older. So here goes: Me (Mamaw), Kate (Granna), Pappaw, Nana, Uncle Zac, Aunt Carly, Uncle Wesley, Uncle Ryan, Uncle Jacob, Bill (Pappy), Steve (Granpa), Beth, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Ruth, Uncle Chris, Bella, Ben, Jada, Samantha, Ed, Vicki, Mike, Meagan, Susan, Dylan, Sonya, Andie, Terry and Jade. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. After her birth, it appeared Sophie was some famous celebrity being hounded by the paparazzi!

Andi had her pitocin about 9:30 and about 11 she mentioned after one contraction, "hmm, that was mildly uncomfortable." At that point they gave her an epidural and she didn't feel another thing till long after Sophie was born at 5:55. When you have to be told when to push and when to stop, that's an OK labor. She had to push all of about 18 minutes - through 5 contractions before Sophie made her appearance. I was able to watch my first grandchild enter the world and Jacob was able to get through it without passing out, so it was a great day for both of us!

For the record - Sophie arrived measuring 19 3/4 inches long and weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces!

..What is impossible for man, is possible for God. Luke 18: 27

Her life is already a testimony to the mighty power of God and prayers. After verifying the earlier findings of the ultrasound on August 4th, Andi and I were told yesterday that Sophie had grown - despite everything deteriorating with each passing day. Despite Andi gaining no weight at all. Despite the fact in the very best of pregnancies, weight gain at the most is 1/2 pound a week in the last 4 weeks and Sophie was 3 weeks early. In 11 days, Sophie went from 4 pounds, 12 ounce to 6 pounds, 4 ounces. She went from the 15% on the weight chart to the 40th percentile. IN 11 DAYS. God is awesome!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

The First Family Pictures

Lots of pictures below - all of them prior to Sophie having a bath, so check back for "cleaned up" ones tomorrow. I'm sure I can oblige. First is Andi at 8 am - on the right is Andi at 6:15 pm. She sure looks like she just had a day of "labor."

Below is Steve, Andi's dad, who has been growing out his white beard for months with the express purpose of being able to take a picture in a Santa cap with Sophie this Christmas. Talk about your prenatal dedication!

Praise be to the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen. Psalm 72: 18-19.

Last of all - Sophie and her very thankful Mamaw. Thank you all for the many prayers that have been said for Jacob, Andi, Sophie and all of our family during this pregnancy. I pray God blesses you as richly as He has us.