Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hmmm, who can I write about today?

As I was coming home this evening I passed this sign in town. Naturally, a picture had to be taken for Sophie's baby book.
Much discussion has been going on about who Sophie looks like. I'm not saying I think she looks like Andi - you can decide for yourself. Andi is on the left - Sophie on the right.

I think I have my mind made up already.

The kids and I went to see Sophie this morning so that they could hold her for the first time. It was hilarious to listen to their comments. On the way we had to stop by the gift shop so that Jacob could spend the money he had been saving to go see Superman on a stuffed animal for Sophie. He decided he would rather buy her a toy and just wait for the video. Sometimes my kids just amaze me with what goes on in the minds and hearts.

Ryan and Wes covered the amazing thoughts today. Ryan had several comments to make. Among them, "she's cuter than I thought she would be. Does she just have two hands? How long will she be boring?"

Wesley was extremely reluctant to hold her. He is the least adventurous of the four, but this was beyond his usual reluctancy to try something, so I took him out into the hallway to talk to him. He finally told me why he didn't want to hold her. He had never held a baby before and he didn't want to drop her, so he thought he should "practice" on somebody else's baby first. I looked up and down the hall but didn't see any other new mothers wanting to volunteer their babies.

Once I assured him that he was not going to drop her, I got him to sit down. We'll work on the head support, but I had to stop and get a picture of his immediate reaction. Carly thinks she has found a new career - holding Sophie. I'm thinking school work will get done a lot quicker in the mornings, if they all know Sophie will be here in the afternoons!
Jacob wanted to make sure I posted a picture of "all that cuteness." I said, "she is cute, isn't she?" He looked at me and said, "I'm talking about ME, look at that smile!" It's like growing up with Andi all over again - they are such goof balls.

Sophie's "family" includes several dear friends. Of course I want to put them in here. Below are Ed, Vicki Jada, Ben and Samantha "Sam." Ed looks like he could be Grandpa, but Vicki looks more Auntish, so we have to decide that.
Sam is not an emotional person by any stretch of the imagination and twice in the past week she told us she thought she was dying because her eyes were stinging and wet stuff was coming out of them. Both during Pastor Aaron's prayer for Sophie to grow and when she was born, Sam found this strange phenomenon occurring. She has also declared herself in love with Sophie. This trio of Andi and Jacob's best friends have hardly left the hospital since Andi was admitted and Sophie will do well to have them as her role models.

I can't even begin to tell you what these people mean to our family, but they are precious. Vicki had a horrible day today - she had a painful nerve test on her neck, found out she has a herniated disc, has to have surgery and her aunt died. But as she put it tonight at church, "I got to hold the baby." They have spent a lot of time praying over Sophie and were just as eager for her arrival as I was.

Also very precious to us are our pastor and his wife - our friends, Pastor Aaron & Stacey. She is gifted with one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard in my life. I've said it before - their love for God is shown in all they do. They have 3 boys of their own and I'm thinking a little girl would be just what they need to round out that crew. Stacey would probably agree but he gets this wild look in his eyes and starts stuttering at the mere mention of it. Three little boys will do that to a person. Trust me, I know these things.

I'll finish with a few more pictures of Sophie. Ryan was yelling at everyone to look at Sophie because she was "already praying."

I think it is so cool that Sophie has her "own" birthday, but she also arrived on the day that we got Carly and Ryan. I'm sure if I work on it, I might be able to make some more pictures another day........