Sunday, July 23, 2006


The kids and I are headed out in the morning to Virginia to my friend, Teresa's. We are all looking forward to spending some time there and then, along with Teresa and her kids, we will all head to South Carolina for a few days to visit Gwen.

We don't intend to do a lot other than visit, swim and let the kids play. The three of us have been in a Yahoo Christian mom group together for about 6 years or so. I know Gwen just had one child when we joined ~~ and now she has 4. They both homeschool their children too.

Teresa has been to my house before, but nobody in our group has ever met Gwen. I'm looking forward to this trip. I've never driven this far with the kids in one day. So although I'm looking forward to the trip I'm not looking forward to the hours of driving.