Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Poorer but Wiser

It's 604 miles to Teresa's. Practically double the longest distance I've ever traveled with the four little kids in one day. So being the wise woman that I am, I devise a plan for peace and quiet.

I drew a chart with columns for each of their names and a column starting at 23 and counting down to zero. Each number represents 25 miles of travel. I tell each child that for every 25 miles we go that I don't have to tell them to "stop it" or "lower your voice" or break up a fight, they will get a checkmark and earn 50 cents. There were even bonus lines where they could earn a dollar if they had all the previous section of boxes checked. The most that they could earn for this leg of our trip was $15.00 each.

I figure at least part of the trip might be peaceful and I would be spending that money on junk for them anyway, so they can "earn" the money and buy their own stuff.

Turns out - money is a great motivator. I am out 60 bucks. Yes - 60 bucks. It was the most peaceful trip I've ever been on in my life. The same children that can't make the 2 mile trip to Wal Mart without fighting rode 604 miles in perfect harmony.

Carly has already figured if she is good all the way home and on the trip to Gwen's, she will have enough money to buy the new bike she wants. And me, well, I'll be the one making the trip with my sanity intact, poorer but wiser.