Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rest and Ront

Yesterday after we finished our school work, I took the kids to the cheap movie ($7.50 for all of us) and then we went to Save A Lot.

Save A Lot is great if you need to stock your pantry and need cases of veggies, fruits and mac & cheese. Save A Lot is not great if your van is in the garage being serviced so your husband can drive it to Mexico and you are driving your husband's truck.

Save A Lot is really not great if while you are filling your carts it starts to rain in gully washer fashion and you have to get all the groceries in the cab of the truck. I was alerted to the rain when all the shoppers around me were suddenly looking as if they had just stepped out of the shower and put on wet clothes - so I didn't buy anything close to what I usually do. Thank goodness for wet shoppers.

Even still, I think Ryan likes Macaroni and Cheese a bit less now that he has carried the whole case of it on his lap in the back seat all the way home. They all did luck out on the carrying in part though because I sent them in out of the rain and I was the only drenched one.

Jacob and Carly took the pantry goods and put them away. This morning I went in there and was greeted by this new addition to the door.

Jacob and Carly's Rest and ront. I'm not sure what the ront part is, but obviously the rest part includes beds - because it is listed on the sign and there were couch pillows on the pantry floor.

You have your choice of tables - the upside down blue laundry basket or if you prefer counter height sitting, you may choose the white laundry basket, which has the bathroom step stool beside it for a bar stool.

Their aprons, notepads and pencils were sitting there - just waiting for a customer to come along. I suppose we will all have our breakfast at the ol' Rest and Ront this morning. I hate to see such creativity ignored.

By the way, Carly and Jacob had the NEW Beef Stew last night. It got rave reviews. If you want to try out the new eatery, it's open 24 hours for more fun. I'm sure I can get you a table - I have connections you know.