Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hodge Podge post

Just to catch up on a few things ~~
The kids planted a tiny garden and it is beginning to show the fruits of their labor -- or in this case, the vegetables of their labor. We have peppers, banana peppers, tomatoes, green beans and watermelon growing quite nicely.

Jacob spent some time the other day building a tower of Legos - it had secret passages and everything. He was quite happy with the results. Ryan, however, decided that he should clean the playroom. Which was just code for "I want to tear Jacob's tower down and I can't do it without getting into trouble so I'm going to tell Mom I wanted to clean."

However, when he gave me that lame excuse about wanting to clean, I let him clean the entire play room. That day and the next 5 times - all by himself. I think that should take care of any sudden urges he has to "clean."

Carly spent her time at Nana's learning to cross stitch. Here is her first project - which she has displayed in the living room for everyone to admire. She and Nana made a trip to Hobby Lobby to buy more supplies for Carly.

Jacob is a firm believer in recycling. I cut the sleeves off of an old T-shirt the other day and told him to throw them away. Instead, they became the basis for his new look. At first I thought he had converted - not to mention changed genders and became a Muslim woman, but no - just a Ninja.

Aunt Kathy stopped by on the way out to ride her horse this morning. I'm not sure why, but the kids call this "being ants" - because she is an aunt. Ryan always gets tickled - he loves that he is going to be an uncle - yet he can still be an ant.

He says it was an "accident." During our canoe trip, Big Guy and I instigated quite a few surprise splash attacks. We were also getting ready to be the victims when we noticed several canoers coming at us from all sides. We take off as fast as we can and Eric puts his paddle into the front of our canoe to try and stop us so they can drench us. It slipped and whacked into my shin. That took the wind out of their sails so to speak. Tina said that they couldn't splash me NOW because I was injured. I had to agree.....right before we splashed them all and took off at high speed.

Last of all -- I'm glad I posted yesterday. I have had over 2 dozen women write to me and tell me that they will now schedule their pap smears that they had been putting off. I certainly don't like them, but they must bother me a lot less than some women. I never realized how many women just didn't get them done. Make sure you ladies follow up. Make the call. Keep the appointment. It'll only take a minute.