Friday, July 14, 2006

Geneva - as in Switzerland - only not

I have a good friend named Cheryl. Cheryl's email yesterday contained this little tidbit:

I gave Mom your blog address. She read everything you had posted and reads it every day. So, you have a new reader:)

And I replied: Everything? That would be a lot of reading.

And she wrote back: Yes, Mom read every word you have written. She told me she had started at the beginning and read everything.

Wow. That is a lot of reading. 421 posts since I started. What restraint to not comment on even one of them. You never know who is reading your blog. I have found this out numerous times when people would say something to me and I must have looked at them like "how do you know that?" Then they say, "I read it on your blog."

So -- Welcome to my blog, Geneva. Feel free to comment. I wish all of you could meet this feisty woman. She cracks me up. Cheryl can sit and tell story after story of their escapades and keep us laughing till our sides are aching. Their late night donut run adventure is one of my favorites.

Going for my tests this afternoon. Cheryl calls her yearly testing "going for my mammy & my pappy." Get it? Mammogram and Pap Smear. Mammy & Pappy. I love it. I am so easily amused.

So -- did you get your Mammy & Pappy scheduled yet?