Friday, July 14, 2006

A Quote from the Ultrasound Technician

"Now, remember I'm just the picture taker but, I don't see any blood vessels feeding anything."

Not sure if I find comfort in that or if it's just grossing me out at the thought of something "feeding" inside me that isn't human. Anyway, I guess I will know Monday.

Thank you to everyone who sent me cards, emailed or called me, letting me know you were praying for me today - even making sure to know what time it was where I am so you could be praying at the same time in your area of the country. That meant a lot to me and as I laid back and scooted to the edge of the table - being careful not to fall off - I was thinking of you all praying for me. I wasn't even praying for me - I was just thinking of all the people who were. I'm sure the ultrasound lady was wondering why I had such a peaceful look on my face. Trust me, it had nothing to do with the probe.

Got my mammy done too. It's amazing how much less painful that was since I lost weight. Hardly felt a thing. I spent awhile sitting in the waiting room with a room full of other half naked women - all pretending we were comfortable wearing the little gowns which only had ties working on about half of the places they were supposed to be working.

While I was there, I read the newspaper and found the information to sign all the kids up to play fall soccer. Last year when they played Carly, Wesley and Ryan were all on the same team. In some ways that is great - for practice and such. But the pressure to not miss a game is tremendous. You know if YOU keep your kids home, the team has to forfeit for lack of players. I only did that once - we actually went to the field in the freezing downpour. The kids all stayed in the cars while I listened to the parents on both sides stand around like idiots trying to decide what to do. Unless there is lightening, you are supposed to play. It was obvious that nobody wanted their kids to play, but nobody was willing to say so. I finally told them I would make it easy for them. I was taking my kids home. As I turned and walked away, I could hear them happily blaming me - "well, we can't play now. We don't have enough to play without them."

The kids and I cleaned out the van today so that Bill can take off in the morning for Mexico. It is going to be super hot there. No air conditioning. That's why they are going - to put a/c in an orphanage down there. He is excited to go and I am excited for him. No doubt he will come home with a great appreciation for what we have.

I bought myself a new chair last night.
I spend a lot of time at my desk - teaching school with the occasional break to blog. While we were out and about buying a mattress for the pack and play we went by Staples to get a bookcase for Sophie. I sat down to wait while "very nice and helpful salesperson with absolutely no butt so how does his pants stay up?" went looking for it. When I left, the chair went with me. I am liking this comfort. We also picked up some packs of pencils (limit 3) for a penny each. Vicki had cleaned out her purse and didn't have any change. Sure, I thought about making her use her debit card, but in the end I let her have some pennies. She SAYS she will pay me back. Time will tell.

Took Ryan to the doctor today because his ears were hurting. He has an ear infection. We waited almost 2 hours - then had about 3 minutes of the doctor's time. We will be switching doctors next week.

Afterwards, we grabbed lunch at McDonald's and I went for a haircut. Pay attention to this valuable tip I learned today. IF you are sitting in the chair, zoned out, yet somewhere in the distance you hear the sound of buzzing - do not assume the buzzing sound is intended for someone else. I am 45 years old and never in my life has someone used the buzzer thing on me, but before I knew what was happening, I had a buzzed stripe up the back of my head. Now I ask you - at that point - what do you do? So my head is basically buzzed. Then there was a little buzzy thing to go around my ears. Again - never before. No wonder the boys squirm when
Andi is doing their hair. It sounds like a 747 is landing in your ear canal. I have short hair now. Very short. Vicki was griping last week because she said her beautician made her look like she was wearing a skull cap. She felt somewhat better when I called her and told her that after my trip to the butcher shop - I mean beauty shop my hair would have to grow an inch to look like a skull cap.

Andi went for her OB appointment today. She is a "model" patient. She goes again in 2 weeks. I'm going to go this week and make the pictures of the finished nursery and of a beautiful quilt that Vicki made her.

The order form for tickets Toyota's family day at Holiday World came today. Unfornuately, the kids saw it. Now through September 17th I will have to endure daily questions about WHEN are we going.

Had an awesome church service tonight and then several friends over for pizza and yakking. All in all - it's been a great day!

And although this picture isn't me - I feel like it could be. That's about what my hair looks like and what my hospital gown felt like in the front.