Monday, May 22, 2006

The kids are home!

Yeah! At church today we had the awards presentation for the ballgames ~~ those were a hoot. Anyway, then I went to pick up the kids at a Mcdonald's about halfway between my house and Carla's. I was lost in my own little world when suddenly I was practically thrown out of my seat (really) by the force of the child attack. I was covered and smothered in kisses, much to my delight and the older couple a few tables away. We were the only ones in that area and I'm sure they got an earful as they listened to the kids all talking at once sharing all of their adventrues with Grandma Carla. We sat and visited for about an hour and then headed home.

I stopped on the way home and got my hair cut OFF. What was I thinking? Growing it out long -- not for me. I grew my hair for almost a year to be able to have it in a perm. Now it is shorter than it has been in probably 7 years and it feels great! With every cut of the scissors, those curls hit the floor and I felt better. Such freedom short hair gives you. I highly recommend it.

After getting everyone home and settled, I left them with Bill to re-tell their adventures while Andi and I went to do a bit of Sophie shopping. We got a crib and mattress, along with a few other things.

She is catching some grief about her refusal to have a baby shower ~~ but she just absolutely does not want one, so I'm sure there won't be one. She told me today, "whatever happened to being self-sufficient?" Then she laughed and added....."said the girl whose mother had bought practically everything?" I love that kid. I told her that was part of the fun of being the grandma. And it is.