Monday, May 22, 2006

Atticus & Us

My dad's favorite dog, Chief, "went to Arizona for the fresh air." 'That's what my friend, Vicki calls it when an animal is no longer with us here on earth.

Chief was a Great Dane and after he died a few weeks ago, I didn't know if daddy would get another dog or not. I had been looking for one for him for several months, because I could tell Chief was on his last legs and had hoped to have a new dog around to ease the grief I knew my dad would feel. But I could never find the kind of dog dad had mentioned wanting. Till Saturday. I opened the paper and there it was. An ad for a free Australian Shepherd, neutered, had his shots - needed room to run - good with kids. I called my dad and he said it was fine to get him.

So today the kids and I delivered Atticus to his new country home. Now I certainly can't say that I think this is a pretty dog, but my dad sure took an instant liking to him. Within thirty minutes he was telling us what a great dog he was, how smart he was, how good I did, etc.

Atticus has a new best friend - somebody that will take him through the drive through at McDonalds and pitch him a burger on his side of the truck. He's going to like being a country dog.

And my dad - well, he is going to get along fine with Atticus Finch.