Friday, April 28, 2006

Guest Blogger

Momma invited me to be a guest blogger while she is away. Never in a million years did I think I would accept, but here I am, working over on a Friday, waiting on a job to finish so I can go home. Bummer. I know that I can never be as witty and charming as my mother, but here we go. I am blatantly ripping off PATRICIA here- and if I knew how to link to her blog there I would. But her lists always crack me up and I wanted to give it a go.

- I can not stand to have my food touch. It's just gross in ways I can not tell you.

- I really hope my feet do not grow while pregnant, as I already wear an 11. Shoes that are cute in size 5 just look disturbing in 11, and 12 is even worse.

- I have a horrible fascination with Neil Diamond. Best Singer/Songwriter of all time.

- I am allergic to cats, yet have 3. Jacob swears that I need to die first to save me from being the crazy cat lady --- you know the one.

- I love that my best friend from high school and I don't have to talk for months and can pick up right where we left off. I'm not sure why that is so great, but it is.

- I am the meatloaf holdout in my family. It will never be appetizing. EVER. Ditto for spaghetti.

- I wish I got to see my brother Zac more often, he cracks me up.

- When I was kid I lost a tooth (thanks to Zac) in front of the Bonanza restaurant. Now every time I hear that theme song my front tooth hurts.

- I love sauerkraut.

- I had the worst growing pains when I was a kid- but they were in my tailbone. I'm pretty sure I even had a donut to sit on because I could not even sit down properly. I'll have to check with Momma on that one.

Well I think I am all blogged out. I hope you all have a super weekend. Thanks for playing along.

- Andi