Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What Kind of Memories?

The other day when I was looking for old pictures of me to compare to Andi, I found this poem that I used to have hanging on my wall when Andi and Zac were little. I should probably hang it up again.
What Kind of Memories?
What kind of memories are you making for your child?
Are they ones of peace and happiness? Or confusion, loud and wild?
Are they memories of drudgery, of martydom and gloom,
Or like rays of cheerful sunshine that play across the room?
Will she oft' recall your laughter, a confidential chat,
A prayer with her at bedtime, a reassuring pat?
Or will she shrink from memories of constant condemnation,
And wonder if her time with you was just an irritation?
In her mind's eye, will she see you as you studied God's Word,
or comforted a neighbor - whose troubles you had heard?
Or will she just remember that you always rushed around,
Absorbed in how you looked or a bargain you had found?
Childhood's gone too quickly, but memories linger on,
So make her cloak of memories, not with heartache, but a song.
Then she'll wear that cloak securely when she's out in life alone.
It will warm her as one day she, too, makes memories of her own.