It's a shame they don't' make face cream
Right at the top of "Things I Dislike Doing" would be ironing. Hate it with a passion normally reserved for cheese. Just can't stand it. Try to avoid it at all costs. Just to put it in perspective for you, my poor son last year burned himself on an iron because he had never really seen one of these things in use. I guess he didn't really believe it was hot. This might be understandable if he was 2 or 3, but he wasn't. He was 8 at the time. Tells you how often they have seen me ironing. I tell you that to tell you this.
If there is a shirt that says "Wrinkle Free", I have been suckered into buying it for Bill. He used to get upset with me for not ironing his shirts, but he finally came to grips with the fact that if they were getting ironed, he was going to do it. I did offer to drop them off at the cleaners for him. I would even pick them up. I just wouldn't iron them. I'm stubborn that way. I also offered to take a curling iron and run it down the button row for him, but he was not impressed with my creativity.
Now mind you, Bill was working 4 days on and 4 days off - not like he didn't have time to iron a shirt or two if he really wanted them ironed. I certainly didn't have 15 days off a month or I might have ironed. Maybe.
Anyway, over the years I have bought Wrinkle Free shirts of practically every brand imaginable. And have been disappointed time and time again.
If you can't see the detail, but don't believe me (shocked inhale on my part), then just click on the photo to enlarge them. This first picture is of a Croft & Barrow brand shirt - purchased at Kohls for probably 30 bucks or so. I think Ray Charles could tell this is NOT a W.F. shirt. Neither is the IZOD brand. Same store - same price range.
Same wrinkly collar and button row.
It might have been about this time that I abandoned Kohls and started my search at Sears for a Wrinkle Free shirt.
Notice the button row all curled up on the edges in the picture on the right? That's the part that drives Bill bonkers. The brown and plaid shirt below is a Dockers brand - same results.
Plus you get the lovely pocket curl up - no extra charge for that.
I shopped at Sears no more and went on down the road to J. C. Penny's, where I tried their brand St. John's Bay. Although they didn't curl up, the button row was anything but attractive as the material puckered. Since I had given the other two stores 2 shots at success, I tried another brand from Penny's. It was at this moment that a miracle occurred. I stumbled upon a truly Wrinkle FREE shirt. (imagine jubilant trumpeting sound)
They are called Towncraft and there will never be another brand of shirt bought for my husband by me. When they are on sale, they are 15 bucks. I bought this one on Friday and washed it - then promptly forgot it was in the dryer and it stayed there till I took it out this morning.
So that shirt has been laying in the dryer for over 50 hours and it came out looking brand new. But then again it is - - but the one below isn't. It is over 3 years old and was in the same load. Notice the collar -- see the up close photo of the button row? AFTER 3 years of wearing and no guessing how many times it's been washed it looks brand new. All of Bill's other
shirts have been given to Goodwill or become work shirts and his closet is now filled with Wrinkle Free shirts. He's happy, I'm happy and the kids are safe from iron burns.