Friday, April 21, 2006

Tagged by GiBee

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Landscaper
2. Pig Castrater on a pig farm
3. Paralegal

4. Tobacco Picker

Four nicknames I've been given:
1. Perski
2. Momma

3. Mommy
4. MawMaw!!!!

4 Websites I visit Regularly:
1. My bank
2. The State of Indiana to see where my refund is
3. eBay
4. Used school book sites

Four Musical Artists that I will never tire of hearing:
1. Good praise music
2. Nanci Griffith
3. Carly Simon
4. Big Guy singing to Sophie

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Remember the Ttians
2. Sarah, Plain and Tall
3. The Replacements

4. Corrina, Corrina

Four places I've lived
1. Sturgis, Ky
2. Maunie, IL
3. Murray, KY
4. Gilbertsville (KY Dam), KY

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Close to Home
3. Dirty Jobs
4. DIY shows

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Santa Fe, NM
2. Denver, CO
3. Horseshoe, Ark.
4. Washington, DC

Four things I could NOT live without:
1. God
2. My Family

3. My Friends
4. My Church

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Steak
2. A really good grilled HB

3. Chocolate
4. Chinese

5. Longhorn Shrimp
6. Good pizza
7. Spaghetti if I'm in the mood for it
8. Potted meat on club crackers

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. visiting my friend, Angie, in TX
2. in Virginia with my friend, Teresa (save me the drive)

3. at Durham watching a Duke game with Lea
4. eating Chinese food with Vicki.