Friday, March 17, 2006

So much to do

Tonight I started taking the wallpaper off the bedroom in preparation for painting. Sure, some people might need the help of DIF, but I had the help of 3 boys who have spent their lives getting in trouble for tearing wallpaper. Tonight, they had their revenge. The wallpaper didn't stand a chance. In no time flat, we were almost done, before I declared quitting time. Jacob was thrilled to see "secret messages" start to appear behind the bottom layer. What could it be? As I steamed, the words became clearer. He thought it was hilarious to find what he recognized as my writing behind the paper. Obviously this dates when the paper was put up - after Jacob and prior to Wesley. So the paper has been up almost 7 years. Time for a change. The boys kept up a running monologue which began with "it all started back in 1997"... and from there on, they invented quite a tall tale about their lives.

I went to pick up the table top this afternoon about 3, but alas, the place closes at 2 on Friday. Who closes at 2 on a Friday? Someone with happy employees no doubt. So that will wait till Monday.

I have plenty to keep me busy. There is a Duke game to watch, carpet to pick out and order, wallpaper to strip, bedroom paint to pick out, a bedroom to paint, 8 kitchen chairs to paint, a bed with a bookcase headboard and lights to make, furniture to stain, a trip to the furniture store in the next state to pick up a matching armoire to the one I bought yesterday and a list of other things to do which would make my head spin if I thought of it all at once.

I still have to paint the dining room ceiling too. I didn't get to it today because school took too long. I think it is time for a parent teacher conference. I'm gonna see if I can schedule that for next week.

I bought 2 armoires yesterday. A huge one for Bill and a smaller one that was "supposed" to be for me. However, once I got home I was able to convince him how perfect it would be for the baby's things and it became a gift instead - and now I have to make another trip to Illinois. It wasn't hard to convince Bill to give it to Andi, he has always been so proud of her. I'm sure you can see what I mean though. Check this out:

Can't you just imagine all the little gowns and onesies and those teeny tiny socks filling the drawers? Can you see the stacks of blankets on the shelves? I can - in my mind at least. Andi went to the doctor today and all is well with the baby, but no ultrasound for 2 more months, so the baby will continue to be called Bophie for the time being.

I am going to go get another one like Bill's and then put them on one wall with a desk area connecting them and maybe a mirror over the desk. Not really sure about all that. Things evolve in my mind as I work on something. This one has shelves in the top two compartments and drawers in the bottom. It is 7 foot tall. Talk about fun to cart around. I'm planning to stain them with blue stain and then change the hardware and knobs.

I took the kids today on the initial round of carpet shopping. Carly thinks we should go with pink, Jacob chose Duke carpet, Ryan wanted camoflauge and Wes was all for carpet with rainbows because that would show happy people lived there. He was able to bring everyone around to his way of thinking and they all voted to carry the rainbow theme onto the walls too. I think not...although amazingly there was lots of cammo carpet to choose.

Also, next week, I am scheduled to do the Wednesday night dinner for church. So I have beef and noodles with side dishes and desserts to make for about 75 people. Lastly, this is also the month Andi and I signed up to clean the church so we will be doing that in the morning. If idle hands are the devil's workshop - I'm safe for the foreseeable future.