Monday, March 20, 2006

It's not often that someone actually thinks my opinions are worth listening to, much less giving me their blog of the week award. However, when I turned on the computer this morning, I found an email from Mary of Owlhaven congratulating me on winning the opinion question of the week. Mary has a beautiful family comprised of birth and adopted children of different nationalities.

The question was about kids, chores & allowances. My kids could tell you a lot about chores. I have no doubt that they help with more than most teenagers. I do want to clarify one thing in the rare event that the kids Sunday School teacher happens to read my blog. Although the kids tithe, it doesn't have to be to our church. They have chosen to give their money to food banks, tornado relief, nursing home ministries - all sorts of things. As long as it is for some kind of ministry work, that's OK with me.