Sunday, January 08, 2006

My birthday present

Today after church Andi and Big Guy brought me my birthday present - and a birthday cake. I'm sure I will see them on my actual birthday, which is Wednesday, but not till church time and then when we get home, Duke will be playing, so we celebrated today. Probably about 5 years ago, they gave me a pop-up book for my birthday present. Now, lest you think this is strange (and indeed it sort of is) - this was a way cool pop up book by an awesome artist named Robert Sabuda. So today's book was Alice in Wonderland. Here is a picture from it:

Here are some other pictures from some of my other books by this guy.

This one is from the Twelve Days of Christmas book. It is the 11 ladies dancing.

This picture is from the America the Beautiful book.

This picture is from The Night Before Christmas.

And my favorite book of his -- The Wizard of Oz.

And this last pop-up book is by one of my favorite artists, so I will always cherish it. Andi made this one for me.

Not quite so detailed - but filled with love.