Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Weekend Report

Friday night Andi and I went over to a friends house for dinner and some girl time. We had a great time, good food and laughter galore. I heard some of the most outrageous stories. Andi was not feeling very good and we started off our evening praying for her and the baby. It's great to have Christian sisters to be able to call anytime for prayer.

Saturday morning I worked on the doors for the vanity and linen tower, along with a project for the church nursery. The kids laid around like slugs, watching cartoons. Saturday afternoon, Andi, Big Guy and I watched Duke win another game. It was a beautiful day, so I worked some more in the garage while the kids played.

After church Sunday after watching the Colts go down in defeat, Andi, Big Guy and I watched Must Love Dogs. The Colt's loss was especially hard for Jacob, since he had tickets to the playoff game next weekend. We tried to cheer him up by telling how much gas money he was saving. He, however, refused to be cheered by this fact.

Andi was still not feeling well Sunday and as the day went on, she felt worse. The doctor told her to not be up and she spent the night with me Sunday since Jacob works nights, in case she needed some help. I was invited to go along for an ultrasound to make sure everything was OK Monday morning. We were all releived to see the baby's heartbeat pounding out a steady 156 beats per minute. So she rested here yesterday and was feeling better last night. Thank you to all who prayed for her. I know it helped her be able to calm down and get some rest. The ultrasound put her due date at September 2nd, which is much more in line with what she thought when she went to the doctor in the first place. I told her that was a great weekend to have a baby - "Labor Day."

So our weekend was filled with prayer, productivity, partying and a beautiful ultrasound picture.