Sunday, January 15, 2006

My grandmother

A year ago I got the call that I knew was coming. My grandmother had died. Mother, as she was called by everyone was a wonderful Christian woman, who worked harder than most people would have to raise her six children alone, after my grandfather died. She was a quiet, meek soul who loved God and her family. She had the same friends for over 70 years. She was always ready for a visit and would play Rummikubs or Upwords for hours. She could sit and work a crossword puzzle in a matter of minutes. It was at her house that I remember so many Easter egg hunts, trips to the county fair and fried peach pies. I only ever got one spanking from Mother and I think it shocked her as much as it did me.

Mother lived in her own house till she was in her 90s, when she went to live in an assisted living home.

So as I remember my grandmother today, it is with love, respect and the knowledge that she is worshipping at the feet of Jesus today. She is a happy woman. Enjoy eternity Mother. I'll see you someday.