Thursday, January 19, 2006

The gloves are off

probably. Which is unfortunate because that will mean a bit of pain is in Wesley's future. Wes is a thumb sucker. Has been since birth. Only when he is sleeping though. He is like a programmed robot. He starts to lay down and the arm bends upward, the thumb goes in and all is well with the world.

But Wesley is now almost 7. He has permanent teeth coming in and the dentist wants the thumb sucking to stop. Now. So today she told me to make him wear gloves to bed. Since he wouldn't be able to get a good suction going, he would stop. So far I have been to check on him 3 times since he went to bed at 8. The gloves have been off every time and he looks quite peaceful.

I do respect the dentist's opinion though. We pay her a lot of money to advise us on the health of our teeth and gums. A LOT of money. So if this doesn't work - and I'm not holding much hope based on tonight's efforts - then the dentist will put an appliance in Wesley's mouth that will fit in the roof of his mouth. It will be like a retainer of sorts, except it has some sort of prongs on it that will certainly prevent a child from sticking their thumb in there and sucking up against it. Once the appliance has been on for about 6 months, it is removed and the habit is generally broken.

Knowing that we are looking at having 4 children in braces at the same time, I am going along with this recommendation so that Wesley's time in braces will be as short as possible.

No cavities for anyone - but Ryan was unable to get a grip on the x-ray film. As he sat later in the waiting room with Aunt Kathy he said quite loudly, "that girl is a liar." Kathy asked him what he said and he was glad to repeat it louder. Then he added, "she said I could bite on that thing, but I couldn't." Once Kathy assured him he would be able to do it next time, he calmed down and agreed to come back again.

I sure hope he can do it - or we know what he is going to be saying about his beloved Aunt Kathy.