Friday, January 13, 2006

It's fuzzy but they are smiling

My friend, Jamie posted a picture of her kids on her blog yesterday, posed like I posed this one of my 4 youngest children. Jamie has given birth to 3 boys and a girl in the last 5 years and she is going to homeschool them also. She is coming later this month for a visit for 3 days with the kids. Should be a fun time. Jamie and her husband, Jacob, are excellent parents and their children are extremely well behaved. They are the kind of parents I would want as guardians for my own children - if I didn't have Andi and Big Jacob. I look forward to seeing them all again. We visited them last fall and they have recently moved about 2 hours closer. Jamie's lives and mine are alot alike - except she did this at a much younger age.

But back to the picture, which is fuzzy here since it is a picture of a picture. This is one of my favorite pictures of the kids. It was taken shortly after Carly and Ryan came to live with us. Probably around November of 2002. They are all smiling. The only problem was I didn't know which way to frame it. So I just had 4 made and framed them all, putting them along the mantle in the living room, one going each direction. That solved my dilemma.

I might have to try this pose again and update my mantle.