Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Weekend Report

We all enjoyed a peaceful weekend. Saturday morning after breakfast Jacob went with me to Lowes. Yes, to Lowes. Done looking and ready to start shopping in earnest, we loaded a shopping cart, a flat bed cart and a lumber cart. After spending a couple of hours there, checking out and getting the truck loaded, I drove him through Culvers, where he got a chocolate custard. If you've never had them - they are yummy!

We stopped at the movie store on the way home and Jacob chose Charlie and Chocolate Factory. After unloading the truck, Bill and the kids went in to watch the movie. I made them popcorn and drinks, then went to the garage to put the laminate on the front edge of the linen cabinet. It is looking good.

Jacob went to a sleepover last night and the little kids played Leapster. If I didn't know it was educational, that would be annoying me. But they are really enjoying it and they have to be learning or they wouldn't be playing.

After church today, we ate lunch and had cake. (See previous post for birthday gift) Then Andi and Big Guy went home to nap (he has to work tonight) and will be back this evening to watch Duke play. Andi made a FAST run for the bathroom after lunch and suffice to say, she is most certainly feeling pregnant.

I painted baseboards, crown molding and other trim this afternoon as well as the doors for the linen cabinet and the wood that I am going to use to make the vanity. I really dislike painting with oil based paint, but I love the shine on that trim.

Bill went to Home Depot for me to get out of the house and pick up some shelving material for the church library. Susan and I are starting on that project tomorrow.

That's about it for us. Mundane. Just the way I like it.

Added Note - After Bill got home from Home Depot I found out he had taken the material to church, unloaded it and carried it upstairs for me - saving me 19 trips up and down the steps tomorrow.