Monday, December 26, 2005

How Kaleb Owens spent his Christmas

This entry was copied from his mom's journal.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2005 10:18 AM, CST
Good Morning to you all! Well, I am sure you are all anxious to hear how our Christmas went. Kaleb spent Christmas with both his families. His dad, step dad, little brother and sister,all his aunts and uncles and all three sets of grandparents.

The news you have all been waiting for. Kaleb's status has been "upgraded". He is in a borderline coma. This means that he is coming in and out of it. It sometimes can be a very slow process to come out of a coma. You don't just wake up and say hello. You come in and out of consciousness for sometimes weeks. Kaleb is opening his eyes and sometimes it looks like he wants to communicate with others. We are so excited that Kaleb is improving and it seems like it is taking forever but realistically, he is improving rather quickly.

We did get a miracle this Christmas! He may not be fully awake, but he is trying and that is the best news that we could be getting. Three weeks ago we were given the news that he will most likely never wake up, and now in that short time, Kaleb is showing us that he can and will wake up!


Please keep praying for Kaleb.