Sunday, December 25, 2005

My best Christmas gift of all today

was the story my brother told me this afternoon. Jacob (8) was with him at the mall the other day and of course, Santa was there too. David asked Jacob if he wanted to talk to Santa, so they waited in line. And waited. And waited. When Jacob got up there, David was standing there, listening to the conversation. It went like this:

Santa: So young man, what's your name?
Jacob: Jacob.
Santa: And what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas this year?
Jacob: Santa, I don't need any more toys. That's not what Christmas is about anyway. It is about our savior, Jesus Christ. I just want everyone to know about Jesus and to worship him. That's what I want, Santa.

David said Santa looked so surprised, hugged Jacob and said, "Jacob, I hope you get your wish - that's what I want too."

As a mom, trying to raise a boy into a Christian man, you just can't get a better Christmas gift than that.