Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Here's another reason I love my kids

We had some errands to do in Evansville today. So I told the kids the long list of errands we had to do but that before we did them we would go to Krispe Kreme, have breakfast and then undergo a round of solemn pinky promises that they would be good for the rest of the errands. Plan firmly established, grocery and errand lists ready, we head out. We go by the library, drop off books and head to Krispe Kreme. The kids are watching them make the donuts - dreaming of the hot, fresh goodness about to pass over their lips while I go around to the front counter to order. I reach into my purse to get my Fund Raiser card out of my billfold so we can get our free dozen glazed and alas, there is no billfold to be found. Just a big empty space normally reserved for it. It is after 10 - nobody has had a thing to eat and we are 30 minutes away from home. With no billfold.

I tell my sad tale of woe to the kids and load them back up. Not even a whine out of them. I find one 2 pack of Oreo cookies from a kids' meal at Hacienda and they each get a half of an Oreo as an appetizer. I felt like we were on a deserted island. The french fries on the floor were starting to look good to me. We start scavaging around the car for change and come up with $4.28. Not bad. So instead of hot Krispe Kremes, I went down the road to the bread store, went in and bought them a cold, somewhat stale, packaged cinnamon roll each, 2 drinks to share and they ate in the car. Not a single complaint from any of them.

After this feast, I thought "what do we have to lose but 10 minutes" so we went to the bank down the road and with no written identification whatsoever, they let me take money out of my checking account. I don't know if they would have done it, except that I told them they could call an employee of the branch in our town and he could identify me and all the kids because we went to church together. I did verify information for them, but not till after she had already said OK.

Anyway, then we had money - and not a one of them asked to go back to Krispe Kreme. We just went and got the groceries we needed to fix dinner for church tomorrow night. I had muttered earlier that we would "just forget it." I meant for right now of course - my grocery list was at home right beside my billfold - but Ryan jumped right on me telling me that "the church people are counting on you." I about cracked up. He was so serious. So we took our money and got groceries and headed home -- after all, when people are counting on you - you can't let them down.